BIA Nutritional Health Screening



Fortitude Health & Wellness, Inc. offers a Nutritional Health Screening. This valuable screening analyzes important components of your health. The analysis includes the following:

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) is a Nutritional Health Screening that analyzes Immune System, Hydration Status, Basal Metabolic Rate, Body Cell Mass, Extra-Cellular Mass, Body Mass Index (BMI), Fat Free Mass, and Fat Mass. Nutrition has direct correlation to certain diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. BIA screenings can detect deficiencies prior to them becoming a chronic condition.

The test is for clients in the Dallas area only. Participants must be present to take the test.

Regularly $75.  We offer it now at $50 for a limited time.

Please call us for further information or to schedule assessments at (972) 998-0152

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