Faith-Based Wellness
Site Activity
Fortitude Health & Wellness, Inc. works with faith-based organizations
to provide educational workshops that are tailored to the faith-based
setting. Biblical principles are incorporated into workshops to lend
guidance based on Christian ethics.
We also understand the guiding principles in combating health behaviors
mainly responsible for escalating chronic diseases such as, diabetes,
hypertension, and obesity. We use this knowledge and expertise to
design, implement, impact, and track health interventions.
Mission: To educate communities
using the three “A’s” strategy:
Assess |
Targeted communities
and retrieve feedback as to their needs and wants
from community assessments. |
Awareness |
Strategies should be incorporated
to educate communities that there is a problem. |
Action |
Strategies implemented through
programs that educate and give participants tools
needed to make healthy lifestyle choices, lower risk
factors, and meet populations where they are in individual
health status.