Executive Summary
The United States faces a health epidemic of unparalleled proportion
– an epidemic that is substantiated by hard facts. Expenditures
for health care in the United States continue to rise and have
reached more than $1.66 trillion in 2005. Much of this cost is
attributed to the diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases
(Syndrome X), and conditions such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular
diseases, hypertension, and asthma.
Approximately 129 million U.S. adults are overweight
or obese which costs this Nation anywhere from $69 billion
to 117 billion per year.
In 2000, an estimated 17 million people (6.2 percent
of the population) live with diabetes, costing the U.S.
approximately $132 billion. People with diabetes lost
more than 8 days per year from work, accounting for 14
million disability days.
Heart disease and stroke are the first and third leading
causes of death in the U.S. In 2003 alone, 1.1 million
Americans had heart attacks. Cardiovascular disease cost
the Nation more than $300 billion in health cars cost
each year.
A much smaller amount is spent on preventing these conditions.
There is accumulating evidence that much of the morbidity and
mortality associated with these chronic diseases are preventable.
For many Americans, individual behavior and lifestyle choices
influence the development and course of these chronic conditions.
Unhealthy behaviors, such as unhealthy diets, lack of physical
activity, and tobacco use are risk factors for many chronic conditions
and diseases. A high caloric diet and sedentary lifestyle inevitably
result into excessive weight gain. Overweight and obesity are
risk factors for a large number of chronic diseases, most significantly,
type 2 diabetes, congestive heart failure, stroke, and hypertension.
Encouraging and teaching individuals to develop healthy habits
and practices can reduce the burden of chronic disease across
the country.
Employers across America are paying the price for unhealthy lifestyles
through high cost of health care insurance coverage, but many
are beginning to pass that burden on to employees, especially
those who refuse to change unhealthy habits. Some employers are
offering wellness programs with incentives to tackle the problem
through prevention strategies.
Research reveals that approximately 39% of employees that have
health care benefits do not use them effectively. It is a proven
fact that implementing an annual health and wellness program at
work will, in effect, maximize value of your current investment
in benefits, as well as provide a tangible basis for lower premiums
going forward.
Our corporate wellness services are designed to identify health
risk and lower overall healthcare cost by:
Stratified risk evaluation (low, medium,
Identify highest risk individuals
Documentation of health risk improvement
Program participation intervention
Analysis and Evaluation Reports
Aggregate data analysis of target population
Initial Planning Session with Management
Fortitude staff will evaluate client’s current employee
health status to establish base-line statistics only. From this
preliminary assessment, along with department head interviews,
we will tailor a group presentation to address the uniqueness
of staff, taking into consideration race, environment, stress,
and other inherent job situations.
In general, most medical self-care training
programs will show a benefit to cost ratio somewhere between
2:1 and 5:1, which means a savings between two and five dollars
for every dollar invested in a health & wellness initiative.
A number of well-designed studies report
in clinical literature that document medical self-care’s
impact on healthcare utilization. Findings reveal these programs
reduce visits to healthcare providers between 7 and 19 percent.
In addition, studies show visits for minor health conditions
are reduced by 35 percent as a result of a well-designed health
& wellness program.